#MuslimsReportStuff: Trump trolled over Islamophobia comments

10 Oct, 2016 17:34

When asked about the issue of Islamophobia during Sunday’s presidential debate, Republican nominee Donald Trump said Muslims who enter to the US “must report when they see something going on.”

In response, many Muslims decided to call out Trump’s suggestion with the hashtag #MuslimsReportStuff in case there is doubt over what those of the Islamic faith decide to report.

“One thing we have to do is we have to make sure that because there is a problem, whether we like it or not – and we could be very politically correct, but whether we like it or not, there is a problem and we have to be sure that Muslims come in and report when they see something going on,” Trump said.

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“When they see hatred going on, they have to report it,” he added.

One Twitter user started off the reporting, but then things quickly escalated.

It was only a matter of time before the focus on what Muslims report shifted onto food.

Others turned to more serious topics that Muslims should report.

Despite the trolling, there were some political points made.

Republican voters are more likely to believe that Islamic values don’t work with the American way of life, according to a recent poll by the Public Religion Research Institute, which found that 79 percent of Republicans share this view in comparison to 42 percent of Democrats.