Bull-run revenge: Bank ruptured and other great bull-gets-own-back moments (VIDEO)

26 Jul, 2016 18:42

A raging bull veered off course during a bull run near Valencia and charged into a bank, creating chaos.

The bull may have had a beef with the bank manager or wanted to make a deposit, but either way the Bankia branch in Cheste was a red flag to this customer.

The bull was taking part in the annual Running of the Bulls as part of the Cheste Festival. Traditionally this involves the running of six Spanish fighting bulls in part of the town’s street that has been sectioned off prior to being used for bullfights.

Animal rights activists have been campaigning for an end to be put to bull-runs and bullfights and, while fights have been banned in Catalonia, bull-runs remain a popular tradition throughout the country.

Earlier this month, a man was killed during a bull-run that took place in a village near Valencia. Two other people were gored to death at a festival in the town of Pamplona.

READ MORE:Spanish bullfighter gored to death in ring first time in over 20 years  

English comedian, Ricky Gervais, came under fire last year when he tweeted an unsympathetic post after a matador was gored to death.

Irish satirical publisher Waterford Whispers has also jumped to the defense of the bulls claiming they are simply defending their culture.  

Here’s a few gifs of bulls getting their own back on their human masters.