9-year-old boy survives fall into 170-meter gorge (VIDEO)

10 Jul, 2016 03:05

A 9-year-old boy would have tumbled to a certain death down a 170-meter deep gorge in the Russian republic of Chechnya, if it had not been for a tree that interrupted his journey halfway to the bottom. A rescue patrol pulled him up and took to hospital.

The child is believed to have slipped while he was going to get some water from a spring. He fell down the slope, but luckily for him managed to grab a tree branch as he was some 90 meters to the ground and held to it till help arrived, local rescue service reported.

Footage obtained by RT’s sister video agency Ruptly captured the moment of the boy’s rescue. The video shows a crew pulling one of the rescuers with a robe as he holds the boy tight. They are surrounded by concerned onlookers as an ambulance with stretchers prepared is ready to take care of the child.

The incident happened near the village of Shatoy on Saturday. The Chechen Emergencies Ministry said its people responded to a call from the boy’s family in just 25 minutes thanks to a rescue patrol, one of many deployed in tourist areas of the region amid the high season.

The boy was taken to a hospital in the republic’s capital Grozny. His life is not in danger after the ordeal, the report said.