‘Ratings really crashed’: Trump says Morning Joe helped get him elected ‘when the show was sane’

30 Jul, 2019 14:29 / Updated 5 years ago

If there’s anything liberal media pundits hate more than the ‘fake news’ label, it’s being told they helped US President Donald Trump into the White House. Ever the button-pusher, President Trump has made precisely that claim.

In his daily Twitter run on Tuesday morning, the president took a shot at MSNBC’s Morning Joe, slamming the show for its vitriolic coverage of his presidency and contrasting that from “when the show was sane,” which he suggested helped him win the 2016 election.

“Wow! Morning Joe & Psycho ratings have really crashed,” the president tweeted. “Very small audience. People are tired of hearing Fake News delivered with an anger that is not to be believed.”

Sad, when the show was sane, they helped get me elected. Thanks! Was on all the time. Lost all of its juice!

He then cryptically added a single mention: “....@foxandfriends.” Though a consummate Fox viewer, the president recently criticized the network for unfavorable coverage, arguing they “forgot the people” who helped make them successful.

Also on rt.com ‘Morning psycho’: Scarborough embraces Trump’s insulting nickname to mock president’s Twitter rant

President Trump has had it out with the hosts of Morning Joe in the past, once labeling host Joe Scarborough “Morning Psycho” in a tweet. The same post also stated Scarborough “helped me get elected in 2016 by having me on (free) all the time.”

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