‘Morning psycho’: Scarborough embraces Trump’s insulting nickname to mock president’s Twitter rant

23 Apr, 2019 15:59 / Updated 5 years ago

MSNBC host Joe Scarborough ridiculed Donald Trump’s tweets attacking him and other critics in the media, culminating in a mocking chyron that read “Morning Psycho responds to faithful viewer” being shown to viewers.

The Morning Joe program was one of the many targets of Donald Trump’s angry rebuke of “Radical Left Democrats” and “Fake News Media” on Tuesday, over what he sees as unfair treatment. “In the ‘old days’ if you were President and you had a good economy, you were basically immune from criticism,” Trump said before shooting a barrage of complaints about how he doesn’t get a free pass.

“Morning Psycho (Joe), who helped get me elected in 2016 by having me on (free) all the time, has nosedived, too Angry Dumb and Sick. A really bad show with low ratings – and will only get worse,” Trump said.

Scarborough seized the opportunity to mock the president on air minutes later, joking about how Trump apparently believes he and co-host Mika Brzezinski have the power to choose who would hold the presidency in the US.

“Thank you so much for watching, Donald, we appreciate it,” he said as Brzezinski added: “Stop looking at Joe, it’s so powerful! Don’t do it, Donald.”

The hosts and their panel guests went on to discuss whether Trump’s demeaning nickname for Scarborough was new, after which he asked the studio crew to put up a new chyron saying “Morning Psycho responds to faithful viewer” which popped up a minute later.

Animosity between Trump and the co-host couple is hardly news, and it has had its low points in recent years. In 2017, the president grotesquely mocked Brzezinski, calling her “low I.Q. Crazy Mika” and claiming she was “bleeding badly from a face-lift” at a social gathering at one of Trump’s resorts.

Last year, she attacked Trump’s Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, calling him “a wannabe dictator’s butt boy” due to a failure to confound the Saudi Crown Prince.