Surfing legend Slater presents ‘eco-friendly’ solar powered wave pool (VIDEO)

8 Feb, 2016 01:47

A professional US surfer, Kelly Slater, has combined two of his passions, wave riding and the environment, to come up with an alternative to catching ocean waves – a solar powered wave pool.

When Slater first unveiled his wave pool, which creates an almost perfect wave, he received criticism from people who questioned water wastage and energy usage.

Now, the world-class surfer has unveiled a solar powered wave generator system that will emit no greenhouse gases.

“We are committed to encouraging sustainable development at any site using our technology,” Noah Grimmett, of Kelly Slater Wave Company said. “As part of this commitment, we are pleased that our first site in Central California is 100 percent powered by solar energy.”

Grimmett said this allows them to be a pioneer in wave technology and support sustainable power initiatives.

The wave pool however runs on well water, which some have pointed out as being not very green considering California’s drought issues.