56% of Americans support Iran deal despite skepticism

21 Jul, 2015 03:01 / Updated 9 years ago

The majority of Americans support the new agreement between major world powers and Iran regarding its controversial nuclear program. However, even more are skeptical that it will ultimately keep Tehran from creating a nuclear weapon.

According to a new Washington Post-ABC News poll, 56 percent of Americans support the nuclear deal, which places restrictions on Iran’s nuclear program while offering economic sanctions relief for compliance with the agreement. The question posed to participants noted that international inspectors would monitor Iran’s nuclear facilities and that sanctions would be reapplied in the event of a breach of terms.

At the other end of the spectrum, 37 percent of Americans said they were opposed to the deal.

Despite majority support, the numbers are switched when Americans are asked whether they think the deal will actually stop Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons. Only 35 percent are confident that the deal will keep Iran from developing a nuclear bomb, while 64 percent are not confident.

Meanwhile, even though a majority wants to give the deal a chance, only 35 percent of Americans support the way President Barack Obama has handled the situation with Iran. Fifty-two percent disapprove. As noted by the Associated Press, even among the 56 percent who support the deal, 36 percent disapprove of the way Obama has approached the issue.

At this point, 69 percent of Democrats support the deal, as well as 56 percent of independents. Among Republicans, 41 percent support the accord.

How support for the deal continues to trend among Americans may be largely influenced by the coming Congressional votes on it. Republicans in Congress are poised to withhold their approval for the agreement, and while it may be difficult for the opposition to prevent the deal from going forward, intense disagreements could drag down support.

Nevertheless, the nuclear agreement took a critical step forward Monday after the UN Security Council unanimously voted to endorse it. According to the resolution, sanctions against Iran will be partly lifted once international inspectors verify that the country is following through on its commitments.