Wayne Dupree: Here’s what to do with Republicans who vote to spend trillions we don't have

9 Nov, 2021 11:56

Wayne Dupree was invited to the White House to talk to President Trump on messaging to the black community. He was named in Newsmax’s top 50 Influential African-American Republicans in 2017, and, in 2016, served as a board member of the National Diversity Coalition for Donald Trump. Before entering politics, he served for eight years in the US Air Force. His website is here: www.waynedupree.com. Follow him on Twitter @WayneDupreeShow

Just because Democrats, socialists and progressives like big government and huge spending, doesn’t mean the country has to go along with it. It’s business as usual in the Washington swamp.

Learning that 13 Republicans joined the liberal shepherds of destruction to spend all that money on Joe Biden’s Destroy Back Better plan – money that this country doesn't have – should tell true conservatives to not pull the voting lever because someone has an “R” by their name. 

Before doing that, they should do some research and see what the candidate really stands for, what they have voted for in the past and what they actually believe. The second step is to get writing to our representatives so they know how we feel about policies such as these.

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Why on earth did GOP-ers think it’s OK to help pass Biden’s $1.25 trillion infrastructure bill, when even six Democrats recognise it’s a crock of horse manure? 

If these Republicans thought they were helping the country, they are 100% wrong. If they thought they were helping their constituents in the long term, they’re also 100% wrong. But I expect they helped themselves, perhaps to some of the goodies on offer from Nancy Pelosi of scratch-backs, jobs in their states, and other unseen benefits. Someone should keep an eye on their reelection campaign funds (even though many will not be running again), their future job offers, etc.

Isn’t it astonishing how many Washington politicians end up extremely rich far in excess of what their salaries pay them? Why on earth do we allow this?

One of the biggest problems this country has is that we have a Congress that is broken because bills are passed packed with many, many expenditures that have nothing to do with the ‘main’ subject. 

The Republicans claim as little as 7% of this “infrastructure” bill covers actual infrastructure, while even its supporters admit it’s only 30%. There needs to be a law that says bills must stand on their own and must only relate to the main subject. If it's infrastructure, then that means roads, bridges, airports, etc., not paid family leave, and so forth. We could save a bunch of money if we quit this bundling business, because members of Congress routinely hold their nose and vote for a bill that has numerous expenditures they oppose in order to support the spending they like.

As an individual oozing with logic and common sense, I still don't see the need for $3-4 TRILLION worth of spending, do you? The country would be doing very well on its own if the Biden administration would just stop trying to kill the economy and our energy production. The two go hand in hand. The economy can't possibly correct itself if oil and gas prices are out of control. Natural gas became the perfect clean energy source for most of this country’s energy needs, but that too is being destroyed as well.

It doesn’t matter if someone gets a better road or not. What does matter is that the American taxpayers just can’t afford anymore debt, period. Our legislators think the treasury is their piggy bank. It’s not. That money is for paying bills, not piling on more debt and ramping up inflation. This bill should have been defeated because of the huge added debt it saddles us with.

I've been saying for years that the federal government should use zero-based budgeting like we do. They make sure they spend all the money in their budget by the end of the year, so they at least get the same amount or more next year. It’s the most wasteful thing ever, but when you have the amount of money they get from our blood, sweat and tears coming in, they just want to have a party with it.

As long as sold-out Republicans are helping the leftist party to destroy our great country, we will all be in danger. Sellouts like these must be retired and people need to stop voting for these deceivers into office. This is a human problem, and something is missing: accountability.

We better hope Democrat Senators Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema stand strong against the so-called Build Back Better bill which their party is trying to pass within the next week. Sadly, the GOP seems to never have the courage of their convictions. When elected, they do nothing, because they are afraid to be rejected in the next election, so they do lose the next election, having achieved nothing and we continue to slide further and further towards socialism.

I believe compromise is important, but this spending bill and the Build Back Better plan are compromises for insanity. No matter how crazy a bill is presented by the Dems, Republicans allow some form of the legislation through Congress; even during times when Republicans hold the majority. The Affordable Care Act is the perfect example: a crazy idea that was rammed through with wishy-washy resistance from the GOP. It's business as usual at the swamp and it needs to be drained. 

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If Democrats want to reimagine something, reimagine Congress. I don't agree with what happened on January 6th, but I feel Congress needs to be swept out. The cronies on both sides of the aisle are killing this country, day in, day out. How long can we survive with this kind of atrocious leadership and governance?

Remember, they represent us and if they don’t do a good job, we should send them home by voting them out of office.

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