Trump rules out DMZ as venue for Kim Jong-un meeting

9 May, 2018 17:32

US President Donald Trump has ruled out meeting North Korean leader Kim Jong-un at the heavily-fortified Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) between North and South Korea. The DMZ had been slated as a potential location for the historic meeting.Trump announced yesterday that Secretary of State Mike Pompeo had met with Kim and set a time and location for the meeting, which will be announced within the coming three days. Pompeo also traveled home accompanied by three American detainees who had been held by North Korea. Late last month Trump tweeted that the Peace House, located inside the DMZ, would be a “Representative, Important and Lasting site” for a meeting with Kim. Seen to be a neutral setting, the Peace House had been the location for Kim’s meeting with South Korean President Moon Jae-in last month.