WikiLeaks struggles to stay afloat

4 Dec, 2010 11:02 / Updated 14 years ago

WikiWeaks is struggling to stay online, after its domain name was shut down, when the company managing it came under repeated cyber attacks.

The Swiss Pirate Party has now picked up the notorious whistleblower website, giving it some alpine refuge.The cat-and-mouse game comes as US envoys try to smooth over the damage caused by the recently-leaked diplomatic cables.Investigative journalist Wayne Madsen says that will be a tough job:“This is the kind of stuff you would see in any tabloid. But I think what’s more worrisome – the spying on the UN, trying to get DNA, iris scans, fingerprints from world leaders, including the presidential candidates in Paraguay. So what’s going on? Now we know from the Financial Times that the CIA requested the State Department to get that data.”