Wonder woman: Canadian designer morphs into superheroes with epic body art (VIDEOS)

26 Feb, 2016 16:11

A Canadian body artist is wowing social media with incredible photos and videos of her dramatic transformation into multiple superheroes.

Kay Pike, 28, a long time Cosplay fan, decided to take her passion for dressing up as her favourite comic characters one step further last year by painting the looks straight on to her body.

The task, which begins with putting a layer of latex onto her skin, can take up to 14 hours to complete.

As well as uploading photos and videos of her incredible superhero looks, Pike also livestreams her work in progress through her Twitch account.

The artist only started her bodypaint project last year after being inspired by bodypainter Lianne Moseley at a Canadian comic expo. So far, she has chalked up superhero transformations of Poison Ivy, Deadpool, Spiderman, Batman, Two-Face, and Captain Planet.