Novel idea: Vending machine will swap unwanted gifts for books

22 Dec, 2015 23:53

If you’ve found yourself the recipient of yet another unwanted candle or toiletries set this Christmas, you now got a chance to trade them in for something much better via an innovative machine touring the German malls.

A German publisher has noticed that while it may well be a time for giving, people don’t necessarily give good gifts, so they’ve developed a rather useful system whereby you can trade in that unnecessary novelty cup and in return receive a newly released book.

Bastei Lübbe and book retailer Hugendubel have teamed up to create a vending machine which dispenses books when someone places their unwanted present in the machine, reports.

The machine will be touring a number of busy shopping centers in Germany over three days, beginning in Munich on December 28, giving people a few days to consider whether they really do need that singing fish.

A total of seven titles from a number of bestselling authors will be dispensed, including books from Rebecca Gable, Ethan Cross, Sarah Lark and Diana Amft, with all the unwanted gifts donated to local charities after.

Read More: Press button for... short story: French city launches literary vending machines 

"Books are simply the best gifts in the world, and the conversion machine is a wonderful way that [can be] emphasized again even after the holidays," Ricarda Witte-Masuhr, Bastei Lübbe’s marketing manager, told