PHOTOS: Barack Obama, Kim Jong-un paint town red in Beijing (well, not really)

27 Oct, 2015 15:35

Barack Obama and Kim Jong-un have finally met in Beijing – for a talk over lunch and a photoshoot. Unlikely story? We know. But these impersonators look quite convincing, don’t they?

Surely, the two are just impersonators. ‘Obama’ in real life is called Xiao Jiguo and charges no less than $1,500 for 10 minutes for his portrayal of the US president. The 29-year-old Chinese national claims his facial features are natural and no plastic surgery has ever been undertaken.

READ MORE: Selling face: China’s Obama look-alike rakes in $1,500 for 10-min gig 

His political counterpart ‘Kim Jong-un’ bears the name of Jia Yongtang in everyday life. But he may have forgotten it by now, as the actor from Hebei Province has been playing the North Korean leader for three years.

Meanwhile, Xiao, who worked for almost 10 years as a security guard at a factory, said he first realized his resemblance to Obama after the 2008 election.

However, there is one issue why Xiao can’t replace Obama for real during his public speeches – he fakes his English.

"I don't speak English very well, so I speak in fake English. It sounds like English to those who don't speak English, but it's not English… even I don't know what I'm saying!" Xiao said.