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24 Jun, 2019 17:02

Bangladesh ‘Tree Man’ begs for hands to be CUT OFF after undergoing 25 surgeries

Bangladesh ‘Tree Man’ begs for hands to be CUT OFF after undergoing 25 surgeries

A Bangladeshi man who’s earned the online moniker ‘Tree Man’ for an extremely rare skin condition, now wants his hands to be amputated in a desperate attempt to relieve the pain.

Abul Bajandar, 28, has undergone 25 operations since 2016 in an effort to treat a rare genetic condition, called epidermodysplasia verruciformis, that causes a wooden-like growths on his hands and feet.

In 2017, doctors believed they had cured the disease after removing 11 pounds of growth, however a relapse in May last year saw the condition return. In January, the father of one was readmitted to Dhaka Medical College Hospital (DMC) once again with growths several inches long.

READ MORE: ‘Tree man’ of Bangladesh ‘cured’ after undergoing 16 surgeries (PHOTOS)

I cannot bear the pain anymore. I can’t sleep at night. I asked the doctors to cut off my hands so I can at least get some relief,” said Bajandar to AFP. An extreme measure seconded by his mother who said “at least he will be free of pain [from the] hellish condition.

Samanta Lal Sen, the chief plastic surgeon at DMC, said the board of seven doctors presiding over Bajandar’s case will consider the request, but ultimately do whatever is best for his health.

Less than six people in the world are known to suffer from the condition. DMC previously treated a Bangladeshi girl for the same disease in 2017, however it has been reported by Indian media that her condition worsened following the operation.

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