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26 Oct, 2021 10:58

WATCH: Hapless fan takes out lead cyclist in brutal collision near finish line as ‘police investigate shocking incident’

WATCH: Hapless fan takes out lead cyclist in brutal collision near finish line as ‘police investigate shocking incident’

A cyclist and a spectator were involved in a sickening crash towards the finish line at an event on the Canary Islands, leaving both in a heap after slammed their heads on the concrete. Police are said to be investigating.

The incident happened near the end of the Cicloturista Condaca Salmor Bike event in El Hierro on the Canary Islands last weekend.

Apparently oblivious to the oncoming riders, the female fan attempted to cross the road just as the cyclist – said to be the race leader – powered towards the line.

A man had crossed the road while on his phone just seconds earlier, but the woman was not so fortunate.


The rider ploughed into her at full speed, his face contorting in horror just before the moment of impact.

Both crashed violently into the asphalt as screams rang out among the spectators.   

According to reports, the emergency services arrived at the incident and the cyclist – who was not named in initial reports – was taken to the Hospital Nuestra Senora de Los Reyes, suffering from a moderate head injury.

The woman is said to have been attended to at the scene, with local reports also suggesting she had been taken to Tenerife for further treatment.

A spokesman for the regional emergency services said: “An injured cyclist in El Hierro has been taken to hospital following a collision with another person.

“The information we received was that the cyclist had run over another person during a sporting event.

"The cyclist appeared from a first evaluation to be suffering from non-serious head injuries.

“The woman who had been knocked over was treated at the scene by medical services covering the event.

"A police investigation into the incident is underway.”

According to specialist outlet Cycling Weekly, a total of 270 riders were competing in the event before its unfortunate conclusion for one fan and participant.

The spectator is not the first to cause carnage at a cycling event this year.

Back in June, one woman took down dozens of cyclists at the sport’s biggest event, the Tour de France, when she stepped into the road while holding a sign.  

The 31-year-old French woman initially went into hiding but then turned herself in to police.

She went on trial earlier in October over the incident but is unlikely to face prison time – and instead could be hit with a nominal fine.  

Also on rt.com Tour de France fan who caused 21 injuries by triggering mass crash with sign is now being HUNTED BY POLICE (VIDEO)